A conservation journey around the World

In 2019, Nils embarked on one of the more unusual nature quests: to see as many bat species around the world as he could in a year. A Big Bat Year. He modelled the idea on the popular concept of the Big Year in birding, where birders attempt to see as many bird species as possible in one calendar year. Don't be mistaken though, bat watching is not birding. There are very few books on the subject, few reliable trip  reports and even fewer guides to hire to help during such a quest! But bats are fascinating! Look beyond the identifications, both morphogical and acoustic and you'll find a surprising array of interesting little animals. You’ll see some of the greatest natural spectacles on earth. And unlike birding – where the path is well trodden – batting offers the chance for genuine exploration, even discovery. 

In 12 months, Nils recorded 400 bat species, including the ones seen and the ones sound recorded only. Of those 400 species, Nils made ultrasound recordings of 256 species, some of them had rarely been sound captured before! A 401st species was not counted because it has not been formally described yet. That's right, a species new to science was discovered along the way!